The present situation and development trend of steel ball processing equipment in China I

High precision chrome steel balls
A steel ball is a part of a ball shape, the entire surface is both the working face and the datum and supporting surface in the processing. The machining of steel ball has unique professional characteristics. The quality of raw materials and the requirements of processing equipment are very high. Maintain relative stability and application in raw materials and process technology. Steel ball processing equipment directly affects on the precision of steel ball
Different process methods require different processing equipment. Advanced technology must be achieved through advanced steel ball processing equipment. With the continuous improvement of steel ball processing equipment and technical innovation. The improvement of steel ball processing technology and machining accuracy is promoted. So the steel ball processing equipment is the key and foundation of steel ball processing.
Domestic steel ball processing equipment has been developed for over 50 years. Has been made by specialized production enterprises, meet all process requirements and processes, a wide variety of professional equipment series. Steel ball processing equipment can be divided into eight categories according to process.
(1)The ball embryos forming equipment: cold header, hot rolling and stamping press;
(2)Steel ball polishing equipment:Vertical ball machine,Horizontal light ball machine;
(3)Steel ball heat treatment equipment: Rotary heat treatment furnace, Controllable atmosphere heat treatment line;
(4)Steel ball surface strengthening equipment: surface intensify treatment
(5) Steel ball hard grinding equipment: Vertical ball crusher, Horizontal ball crusher;
(6) steel ball lapping machine: standing grinding mill, Horizontal grinding machine;
(7) Cleaning and packaging equipment: ultrasonic cleaners, screw cleaning machine, high pressure jet cleaning machine and oil coating line;
(8) Steel ball series testing instruments: eddy current flaw detector, Appearance inspection instrument and sorting instrument, etc.
Companies specializing in producing steel ball processing equipment mainly include company Xinxiang Sunrise NC Equipment Ltd., and company Anqing Machine Tool Co., Ltd. Manufacturing Z32 series steel ball automatic cold header, Z32G series of high-speed ball automatic cold header; 3M7466, 3ML4980, 3M4980, 3M7780 Steel Ball Lapping Machine, 3M7990, 3M7995, 3M7166, 3ML4680, 3M4680, 3M7680, 3M7690, 3M7266, 3ML4780, 3M7780, 3M7790, There is also a steel ball eddy current flaw detector. Ball ultrasonic cleaning machine, furnace for heat treatment, hot rolling ball billet special production line and steel ball grinding board, grinding fluid, Special grinding wheel and diamond dresser.
1. 中国轴承工业协会技术委员会 滚动体专业委员会,河南 洛阳 471039
2. 常州光洋轴承有限公司,江苏 常州 213002)